Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Jaipur Kendra

Honourable Shri Bhagwati Prasad Beri breathed his last on the woeful day of January 19, 2002, the void created by his demise, can never be fulfilled.

Born on February 17, 1913 in Ajmer (Rajasthan}, Dr. Justice Beri rose to an enviable height by a dint of his determination, dedication, discipline, sincerity and strength of conviction. He was a versatile thinker, voracious reader, skilful writer, brilliant debater and a logical arguer.

An admirable facet of his magnetic personality was that he could wield pen with great laze and flair. He published books titled “Law of Marriage and Divorce’, “Petals in the Wind”, “Wirbhay Lekhar, and “Manas Moti” etc. In addition to the innumerable felicitations, he was also awarded ‘Gaurav Putra” and “Rajasthan Shri” titles. The Help Age India bestowed on him, the ‘Golden Award in 1996.

Justice Beri shall always be remembered as a true visionary, a jewel in the crown of Rajasthan judiciary, a model of legal profession, a distinguished author, a great social reformer, a rare mentor, an outstanding leader, a patriarch with a dominating personality, a versatile genius and to cap it all, a wonderful human being. How much we wished and prayed that the octogenarian should have been an immortal patriarch. But on February 17, 2002 the will of God reigned, and drew him away from all of us.

His contribution to the development of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Jaipur Kendra was immense and cannot be forgotten.

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